EMFED started in 2012 and was incorporated under the laws of Ghana in 2017 as a limited liability company.
About EMFED Farms
Who is the founder?
Kwabena Assan Mends. He is the current Managing Director and has eight years of experience in the cocoa sector. Kwabena has been managing cocoa farms over the last four years. Prior to that, he was the Internal Control System Manager at Conservation Alliance where he was responsible for getting smallholder cocoa farmers ready for certification. He has a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Education from the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
Where is EMFED Farms based?
In the Central Region of Ghana
What is the company set up to do?
The company is set up as a social enterprise to provide farm management and certification services to cocoa farmers in Ghana and to sell agro inputs to cocoa farmers.
What is the Mission, Vision & Values?
The vision
To be the farm management services company of choice in the cocoa sector in Ghana
The mission
An Agribusiness company set up to make cocoa farming profitable for smallholders by providing them with financially, socially and environmentally sustainable farm management services.
Core values
Reliability: Our smallholder cocoa farmers rely on their cocoa farms for a significant portion of their household income. Recognizing this, we ensure that our services to these farmers are cost-effective and timely.
Trustworthy: We honor our promise to all our stakeholders.
Profitability: We ensure that all our activities are profitable to our investors and to our smallholder farmers.
Investing & Collaborations
Is EMFED open for investments
Yes. The social enterprise thrives on investments to scale its activities and impact.
Where can I get information on ROIs?
Kindly email invest@emfedfarms.com. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
How can one partner EMFED Farms?
Kindly email info@emfedfarms.com
Who are some of EMFED's partners?
Solidaridad West Africa, UTZ/RA/The Forest Trust, Cocoa Research Institute, RMG, Chemico, Desert Lion, Kumark, Federated Commodities, Wangara Capital, Universal Oil, Chiefs, Landlords and Opinion Leaders, Ghana Police and Key Suppliers